To embrace young ladies from within the church, and surrounding communities.
Encouraging them to develop their total women, so that they are able to live a pure life. To be great business women, respectful daughters, loving mothers, and dependable sisters. To structure each one’s character, confidence and self-esteem so that the dynamics of the world will not force them to accept what it has to offer, but will become a realized force, causing those that come in contact with them to adapt to their rule.
Teaching them through: Education, Demonstration, Motivation, and utilizing the mentor and protege model with biblical principles and experienced guidance.
Young ladies being prepared to valuably contribute to the surrounding community…..
Core Values:
Loyal – Not easily turned away from what you believe.
Dependable – To be one that your sister can count on.
Honest – Able to trust yourself and others for what you see (The Truth is Right Before your Eyes)
Compassionate – To be able to reach one that is not as fortunate as you are, to help make them better.
Courageous – To be bold enough to be satisfied with who you are despite what others say.
Celibate – To Be Sold out to a decision you make to respect yourself.